Hello, fellow online money maker enthusiasts! It’s time to share the latest updates from my domain and niche sites journey. From new registrations and renewals to contemplated domain acquisitions and intriguing offers, there’s much to cover. Let’s dive into the details, but first a little poem :

In the realm of qure, where healing begins,
A melody of wellness, where hope always wins.
A taste of life, a moment to relish,
In the banquet of time, memories embellish.

Esoteric whispers in the quiet of the night,
In the cosmic dance, where stars alight.
A trifecta of dreams, woven with grace,
In the tapestry of existence, each moment to embrace.

Adorned in the glow of divinejewels so bright,
In the universe’s jewelry, sparkling light.
A demosite of life, a preview divine,
In the web of time, where destinies entwine.

Cinematic visions in the cinemascope of the mind,
In the storyboard of memories, where tales are entwined.
Studio works of fate, a masterpiece untold,
In the gallery of time, where stories unfold.

Idem echoes in the chambers of the heart,
In the symphony of existence, each unique part.
A cosmic dance where each member plays a role,
In the infinite ensemble, a harmonious soul.

Where statistics and data form a detailed scroll,
A journey through numbers, a story to enroll.
In the toll of time, where seconds chime,
A rhythmic dance, a celestial rhyme.

Drop Catch Attempts:

Today, I ventured into the world of drop catching, trying to secure ha.do and ce.do. While the attempts weren’t successful, the pursuit of promising domains continues.

New Registrations:

  1. qure.in and relish.co.in: These new acquisitions join my portfolio, offering opportunities in the realms of healthcare and culinary delights, respectively. Keep an eye out for potential developments on these exciting fronts.


I’ve renewed several valuable domains to ensure their continued presence in my portfolio:

  • esoteric.co.in
  • trifecta.co.in
  • divinejewels.in
  • demosite.in
  • cinemascope.in
  • studioworks.in
  • idem.in
  • stat.co.in
  • toll.co.in

Renewing these domains ensures they remain active and ready for potential future use or resale.

Domain Offers and Contemplations:

  1. Member.im: I received an inquiry for this domain, indicating potential interest in acquisition and it was a $100 offer and while a $100 offer may not be earth-shattering and was humbly declined but I’m open to creative collaborations. I’ve reached out to the buyer to discuss potential ideas where I can contribute the domain, and they can bring the concept to life.

Contemplated Domain Acquisitions:

The domain world is ever-evolving, and here are some domains that have dropped, and I’m considering whether to acquire them:

  • qc.ms: Could serve as a quick communications platform.
  • 15.ms: Suitable for various purposes, including numeric or date-related websites.
  • miss.vc: A domain with potential for personal branding or a project focused on “miss” content.
  • schools.ms: Ideal for an education-related site or platform.
  • goodvibes.cl: A positive and memorable domain name, perfect for a blog or site spreading positivity.
  • skylight.vc: A versatile name that could be used for ventures related to innovation and the “sky’s the limit” philosophy.
  • orient.ar: Great for cultural or travel-related content focused on the “Orient.”
  • shirts.id and standards.id: Versatile domains that could be used for e-commerce or informational websites.
  • cuddle.sg: A warm and inviting domain for content related to comfort and well-being.
  • domainer.bz: A domain that resonates with the domain investment community, potentially suitable for a blog or forum.

As I contemplate these domain acquisitions, I’ll continue to assess their potential and relevance to my portfolio.

Thank you for accompanying me on this journey, and your continued support and insights are invaluable as we navigate the ever-changing domain landscape. Stay tuned for more updates and domain adventures to come!

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